I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in District 31-S for selecting me to this prestigious position. It is an honor that I will always remember.
My vision is to unlock the possibility for achievement and give our Lions hope for the future. The first step in this process is to reflect on what we really want. The second step is to make a journal or plan that will FOCUS on the following questions: 1. Who am I? 2. What am I doing? 3. What do I want? The third step is for each Lion to find a quiet space, get a stack of magazines, and cut out pictures and words that speak to you. Relax and begin to dream. The fourth step is that I want all Lions to look through all of the pictures and words you chose. Please keep those that speak to question 3 in step 2, “What do I want”? Now commit those questions to paper. Step five, place your pictures, words and a photo of yourself on your paper. You now have your Vision Map. Put it in a place where you can look at it every day. Speak positive words of affirmation and articulate your vision to others. This Vision Mapping Process will help us as Lions Serve!
There are three things all Lions need: A Clear Mission, Leaders, and Commitment. I feel we can all motivate each other as we do our VIP’s. As we always say, “Together Everyone Achieves More”. Can you tell me what WIIFM stands for? It stands for “What’s in It for Me”? We say this a lot in sports! Can you tell me what WIBF stands for? This stands for “Will It Be Fun”? We say this a lot in life!
Sustainability is the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Lions have the ability to clearly imagine, and see and feel what it would be to reach your goal.
With all of this said, Let’s Follow the Yellow Brick Road like Dorothy did in the “Wizard of Oz”, and have the ride of our life with memories we will never forget!
Most importantly, have a great year, work hard, have a great attitude, be careful, and HAVE FUN!