Welcome to District 31-S
Welcome to another super year for District 31 S! My motto is “Believe in Service”. There can be miracles, when you believe you can achieve. Our clubs have achieved so much over the years to make their communities and our world a better place!
As we celebrate 100 years of Lions service, we honor the past, embrace our present, and plan for the future. As International President Bob Corlew says, we have new mountains to climb. No mountain is ever too high. People are depending on us.
We continue making our communities better places as our clubs engage in conducting service projects in a variety of areas, such as Youth, Vision, Hunger, and the Environment.
Through North Carolina Lions Inc. we conduct an annual Brighter Visions Fund Drive. Monies raised help supply white canes, support Camp Dogwood for VIPs (Visually Impaired Persons), the VIP Fishing Tournament, scholarships, recycling, providing eye glasses, supporting a Mobile Screening Unit to screen for visual and hearing problems, and help fund clinical eye research, to name a few.
We also have great opportunities to share fun and fellowship with other Lions, and to learn more about the many things we do, including a Mid-Winter Convention in January and a State Convention in April. In 2017, we are having a special International Centennial Convention scheduled for June 30-July 4th in Chicago, where we will be celebrating our 100th Birthday!! This will mark 100 years of service for Lions Clubs International!
We do have new challenges to meet, new goals to achieve, new people to serve, new mountains to climb. We can and will meet these challenges! Our symbol represents HOPE, HELP, COMMUNITY! We are a hand that reaches out, a smile for those who have no smile, and a light for those who live in darkness.
Together, through our service to others, we achieve miracles, and make our world a brighter place!
Lion Barbara Beltran,
Governor 31 S