2024 Mid-Winter Convention

Flyer for 2023 Mid-Winter Convention

You are cordially invited to the District N&S Mid-Winter Convention January 19-20, 2024 in Greenville, NC. Our Guest Speaker is International Director Joanne Ogden. Our next Cabinet Meeting and Elections will be held during the convention on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

For those interested in running for the following officers District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor and 2nd Vice District Governor for the 2024-2025 please send your resume and club endorsement to the Nominations Chair.
Below are the Download Buttons for the Registration form and Convention Ad Form.

2023 North Carolina Lions State Convention

The 2023 North Carolina Lions State Convention is coming up April 27-30 in Greensboro at the Greensboro/High Point Airport Marriott.

If you would like to register to attend you can still get a discounted room rate until April 13th.

If you (or your club) would like to run an advertisement in the convention program here is a link to the Advertisement Form.

Image for 2023 NC Lions State Convention

2022 District N & S PDG Golf Tournament

Past District Governors’ Golf Tournament

Mark your calendars: Monday October 3 for the Annual District 31-N & S PDG Golf Tournament benefitting the Visually Impaired Persons Fishing Tournament. The event will be held at Lane Tree Country Club in Goldsboro. Shotgun start will be 11:00 a.m. the format is a modified super-ball tournament. Prizes will be awarded for first and second place, as well as closest to the pin on all par threes, and the longest drive on a designated hole.

We need players; $75.00 for individual, $300.00 for a team. We also need hole sponsors at $100.00 each.

For additional information contact PDG Jana Peedin at jduobox@aol.com or PDG Gene English at ggenglish@n.rr.com or any PDG in your District.


GOLFERS WANTED!!! The PDG’S of District 31 N&S invite you to play in our upcoming golf event to raise funds for the VIP Fishing Tournament. Monday Oct4th in Goldsboro. Come Join Us You Still have time to register. Any questions feel free to call PDG Wayne Faber 919-780-8819.

North Carolina Laws for the protection of people who are Blind, their use of White Canes, and Service Animals

As Lions, one of the most important things we can do is to be informed of the North Carolina Laws that protect people who are blind or have low vision, their use of white canes and their service animals.
While it is very important that we raise money to help people with their visions White Canes and Leader Dogs, it is also important that we know, and share, information on the rights and protection of people who are blind or have low vision.
North Carolina has many laws that give rights and protection to people who are blind or have low vision.  A list of these laws can be found at HERE.  These laws cover assaulting a service animal, Rights of people who are Blind, Right-of-Way for White Canes, & Guide Dogs, among other items.
The NC DHHS publishes a document on “Welcoming Your Customers who use Service Animals”.  This is a good summary of wha businesses should do and how they can recognize what animals qualify as a service animal and which do not.  This document can be found at HERE.
Submitted by Lion Bill Graham

A Few Memories from 70 Years of Fun, Frivolity and Lions’ Service

In preparation for the North Carolina Lions 2020 State Convention, PID Lacy Presnell made his book, “A Few Memories from 70 Years of Fun, Frivolity and Lions’ Service” available.  He has stated “I simply want every VIP and every Lion who wants one to have a copy of my book.”  Unfortunately, due to the CoVid 19 Pandemic, PID Lacy’s book got very little exposure.
Fortunately, PID Lacy’s Excellent book on being a Lion can be found on the District 31S website, HERE.
This is a must read book for Lions & VIPs.  If you have ever heard PID Lacy speak, you Will recognize his wit, wisdom, and good humor in this book. We recommend you read PID Lacy’s book, and share it with others.  The pdf on the website is screen reader friendly, so you can also share it with any people who are blind or have low vision.
Pictured are Esther & PID Lacy Presnell
Together we can do so much more!
Lion Bill Graham
31S District Leader Dog Chair

Virtual Mid-Winter Convention

This year we had our first ever Virtual Mid-Winter Convention.  This was accomplished by creating a pre-recorded video covering certain parts of the convention, voting by email and concluded with a Zoom meeting for the Cabinet meeting and address from the International Director. 

If you were unable to attend the event this past weekend do not fret!  We recorded the Zoom meeting as well and have made all of the materials available to you here.

Pre-Recorded video – Approximately 34 minutes

Zoom Meeting Passcode: *RiJL7?g –  Approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.