Welcome To District 31-S

I am excited to serve as District Governor this year, it is my privilege to work with our district leaders for the benefit that Lionism brings to our community serving the vision and hearing impaired. It is my hope that we can serve our vision impaired community by asking for more volunteers to “Join our Vision Team”. Through joint efforts, we can inspire each other in positive goal setting efforts to fund clinical eye research, devoting more time to seek information that could benefit our communities on ways to guide those that need us in the right direction.
Throughout this year of service, we should continue our strong sense of serving others, putting our district in the place to stay strong in our conviction of service, seek out ways to serve others, search for those that need us, fuel the efforts of fundraising to serve our district, serve those that have disasters and need us. We are a devoted community of Lions, our district is strong and energetic serving our local community, our district, and our state communities to any extent that we are capable of. I am asking all Lions in our district to help as we join together to become a resource for those in need, to seek the funds they need or the guidance for services that are available.
My goals are to find new innovative ways to help raise funds for our district to meet the needs of those that need our help funding glasses, hearing aids, etc. From my personal life, I know the importance of helping families in need of services that can put a hardship on their finances forcing them to delay needed purchases that will enhance their quality of life. I believe that together we can find ways to Save Sight, One Dollar at a Time. Following the goals set by Past District Governor Allen Swaim, I would like our district to continue donating dollars to save sight.
Throughout this current year of Governor Allen Swaim’s dedication to our district, I have observed many positive moments of dedication and service to others, Governor Allen has inspired me to continue many of his efforts. We all need to continue seeking dedicated Lions to join our group, membership is so vital to our community to stay viable as a service organization. WE NEED YOU, join us, we can find a role for you that will allow new members to join us in our conviction to stay strong, committed to serving others, and having fun as we seek new ways to serve.
We as lions, serve our community through a dedication and commitment to others that has stood the test of time that a pandemic did not take away, we have remained strong, my dedication to Lionism will continue to remain strong.
Thank you for allowing me to serve our district.
Lorraine Dixon District Governor 31 S