Update: July 31, 2016

Dear Lions Leaders,

This week has been very busy, and I want to update you on some additions, etc. since our meeting on July 23rd.

First, a huge thank you and shout out to GMT Ed Burt, and Region Chair Rhett White who have done a huge amount of prep work for our upcoming new club Recruitment in Ahoskie.  Thanks also for info from Betz Blowe and to those who were able to come to a meeting on such short notice (Mary Boehm, Jim Boehm, Nathan Medlin, Glenn Day, Herb Justice, Ron Beltran) with GMT Ed Burt, to hear his ideas for Membership, and to help us iron out some details for the Ahoskie Recruitment.

The Ahoskie Recruitment has been approved by LCI, and they are sending PCC Lion Carl Harrell, a recruiting consultant from Florida, to train and assist us.  The dates are now confirmed, and we encourage as many clubs as possible to attend training and help as much as possible. The training ideas can also be used with other possible new clubs, or even existing clubs, maybe even your own!

If you are interested, and do not receive info about this by Aug. 7th, please contact me and I will make sure you receive the specifics

(Barbara Beltran  -cell# 919-638-1580 or email: lionbarbara31s@yahoo.com)


Aug. 15-18               Ahoskie

Preliminary Schedule:

Mon. morning (Aug. 15) – Training with Consultant

Mon. afternoon, Tuesday, and Wednesday – Recruiting

Thurs. mid day  – Organizational/Info Meeting for new Club


Other updates/reminders:

Club Secretaries no longer need to do 2 activity reports.  They only need to file both monthly Membership Reports and Activity Reports with LCI on the website. Our Cabinet Sec., Ron, can  view these and keep track of your activities that way, so that you no longer need to do the separate Excel spreadsheet from last year.  We are trying to simplify life for Club Secretaries, as we well know how much work is involved in that job.

Also, when you attend district meetings, be sure you sign the Attendance sheet, as that is how we will keep track of who attended for the Gov. Points Contest.


Please send pictures and articles to:


Ideas might include:

Club Service projects

Also: if you attend a Lions Workshop or Training, please share any exciting ideas you learn

District Committee Chairmen – send updates and information about your area of expertise

Club Secretaries, please share/forward the Newsletter to your members


I am also including 2 attachments with additional Directory Changes, announcements/reminders

Thanks for all your hard work!

Barbara Beltran, DG 31 S

Additional Announcements to July 23rd Cabinet Meeting

Contact Info for District Chairmen are in the new Directories

(They are a good source for Club speakers, although some have limited time for traveling.)

I know Bill Graham (Leader Dog Chair) is interested in speaking with clubs, and many other chairs are also, dependent on their schedules.


I am also resending Directory Changes, as we have had additional ones since the meeting in Williamston.  If you find other changes that need to be made, please email or call me and we will get them on the list.

I did forget to point out that I have another cell #. (It is listed as a change.)

Barbara Beltran  919-638-1580  (919-949-4431  is actually Ron’s, and you can call it too, as he is more available during the day than I am when I am teaching, and can probably answer questions as well or better than I.)