As Lions, one of the most important things we can do is to be informed of the North Carolina Laws that protect people who are blind or have low vision, their use of white canes and their service animals.
While it is very important that we raise money to help people with their visions White Canes and Leader Dogs, it is also important that we know, and share, information on the rights and protection of people who are blind or have low vision.
North Carolina has many laws that give rights and protection to people who are blind or have low vision. A list of these laws can be found at HERE. These laws cover assaulting a service animal, Rights of people who are Blind, Right-of-Way for White Canes, & Guide Dogs, among other items.
The NC DHHS publishes a document on “Welcoming Your Customers who use Service Animals”. This is a good summary of wha businesses should do and how they can recognize what animals qualify as a service animal and which do not. This document can be found at HERE.
Submitted by Lion Bill Graham