2025 Mid-Winter Convention

District Governors Ana Elliott (N) and Jim Tobolski (S) invite you to District’s N&S Mid-Winter Convention.  The Convention Committee has been hard at work!  The 2025 Mid-Winter Convention is coming fast! We are only weeks away now. Here are the details and links for registration and advertisement forms (below).

International Director Bert Nelson

International Director Bert Nelson of New York Mills, Minnesota, United States, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international director of Lions International at the association’s 106th International Convention in Melbourne, Australia, June 21 through June 25, 2024. Director Nelson has 15 years of experience as a financial services professional. He is a registered representative and licensed agent at New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, where he provides financial advice and guidance. He has many notable achievements, including awards in annuity and life insurance and long-term care insurance sales. Director Nelson joined the New York Mills Lions Club in 1991, where he is currently an active member. He has held several offices within the association including club president, club secretary, zone chairperson, district public relations chairperson, district governor, council chairperson and was a USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum planning committee member, among many other positions. In recognition of his service to the association, Director Nelson has received numerous awards including Lion of the Year Award, The Al Jensen Award, an LCIF Helping Hands Award and multiple International President’s Awards and International President’s Medals. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. In addition to his Lion activities, Director Nelson has served as township treasurer, fire warden, and Holy Cross Catholic Church Council and Trustee member. He has also been a facilitator for multiple Regional Lions Leadership Institutes and Emerging Lions Leadership Institutes. Director Nelson is an avid hunter and enjoys playing games and cards with his family and friends. Director Nelson and his wife of 40 years, Pamela, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have three adult children and three grandchildren.

We will have seminars on the following topics:  LCIF, KidsSightUSA and Childhood Cancer.

Tail Twister Breakfast Auction:  PLEASE bring Items/ baskets etc. to raffle off!  Funds raised go to Brighter Visions.

Denim & Diamonds!

Friday Night Fun Night

Entertainment by 

Big Time Shine Band

Tail Twister Breakfast & Auction

Cabinet Meetings

Election of Officers



District Governor’s Banquet

See you there!

Remember, Clubs must be current on their dues with both LCI and State/District dues for first half of the year, to be eligible to vote. Check with your Treasurer, if you did not previously do so.

Call hotel soon for room reservations (listed on Registration form), as there may be soccer families staying at the hotel also for a tournament.

Interested in being an Officer?

Lions that meet the qualifications per Lions Club International By Laws that are interested in running for 2nd Vice District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor and District Governor are encouraged to send your Letter of Intent, Resume and Club Endorsement to the Nominations Chair, PDG Carlton Metts at carltonvmetts@gmail.com by December 15th, 2024.