Welcome Lions!
Greetings Lions of District 31S! The New Lions Year has begun after celebrating our 100th year of Lions Club International in Chicago. We will be celebrating this birthday throughout this calendar year. It is extremely gratifying to serve as a Lion and know the impact of our collective 100 years of service as we continue to provide service.
“Moving Forward” is my theme for the 2017‐2018 Lions year. District 31‐S is poised to move forward in providing service projects in our communities. One of my goals as District Governor is for each club in the district to initiate at least one NEW (you certainly can do more) service project in your community. There are community needs you can fulfill through service. It is imperative that we demonstrate through service our motto of “Where there is a need, there is a Lion.” We Serve!
A second goal for the year is for each club to increase net membership by 10 percent by year’s end. I believe that the service project or projects you initiate are great opportunities to invite friends and acquaintances to join in. This will provide the opportunity for them to “catch the fever” of gratification gained through helping those in need. We can all increase net membership by 10 percent if we focus on this effort.
The Charter Night for the newly formed Wake Southwest Centennial Lions Club was delightful to attend. This club began with 46 members – a stunning achievement accomplished by dedicated Lions seeking to provide service in Holly Springs, NC and for the enthusiasm and statewide efforts of Lions. This club used social media to recruit members and it worked. We can all learn from this experience.
Throughout the year, I urge each of you to get in the habit of submitting your projects in service and fundraising ideas
(two entirely different efforts) by sending them to News@NCLions31S.org.
The District 31‐S 2017‐2018 Directory will be distributed the week of August 1st. Copies will be given to participating clubs at the District 31‐S Brighter Visions Kick‐off on August 5, 2017 in Williamston, hosted by the Williamston Lions Club.
District 31‐S is the most dynamic district in the state. We are home to the newest Lions International Director, PDG Lion Gwen A. White. We host the annual VIP Fishing Tournament on the Outer Banks. And we possess the best assembly of Lions in the State of North Carolina!
Visiting each club in the district is among my goals. This is a shared goal with First Vice‐District Governor Lion Nathan Medlin (Warrenton Lions Club) and and Second Vice‐District Governor Lion Mark Bateman (Lake Gaston Lions Club). Lion Mark will also be serving as the District Brighter Visions Chair.
We have dedicated Lions serving as Region Chairs, Zone Chairs, and Commitee Chairs. We serve best when we start with our own communities as we work to ultimately serve all communities in North Carolina. North Carolina Lions, Inc. offers many services and forms of assistance for the citizens of NC. To this end, please plan on supporting NCLI by selling Camp Dogwood raffle tickets and contributing to the Brighter Visions Annual Fund Drive.
Please join me in kicking‐off a new year of service in our communities. Invite someone to become a Lion. Spread the word about all of the good that we do.
There is strength in numbers. It is great to be a Lion!