2019 State Convention

Hello North Carolina Lions!

PDG Terrie Grooms and I would like to invite you to attend your upcoming North Carolina Lions State Convention coming up the weekend of April 26th – our theme is……MISSION POSSIBLE……..THE JOURNEY COUNTINUES!

Our special guest speaker will be Past International President, Al Brandel of Melville, New York who was elected president Lions Clubs International at the association’s 91st International Convention, held in Bangkok, Thailand, June 23 through27, 2008.  

Why should you attend?  

Because this is our opportunity as Lions of North Carolina to meet other Lions from across the state and come away with ideas and information on how we can serve and educate our communities on one of our Core Focus areas – Diabetes! 

Our goal is that we would all leave that weekend feeling educated and empowered to execute Diabetes education and other service projects in our communities.

Here are just a few things happening……..

North Carolina Past District Governors’ Organization Captains Choice Golf Tournament  (flyer attached) held on Friday morning – all are welcome!

Our Strides Walk will be held during the entire weekend with opportunities to support our DAPS program and learn more about Diabetes and how it impacts so many families. 

We’ll kickoff Family Fun Night with good food, great fellowship and a fabulous family friendly magician! 

Tail Twister breakfast with some great silent auction items.

Town Hall Meeting with our special guest, Al Brandel, International Past President!

Exhibits and Seminars:

                eSight…….the rest of the story!

                Social Media and Technology!

                Technology for the visually impaired!

                Leader Dog!

                Ongoing Leadership Workshops through Lions University!

                Hands on Service Projects!

We will also have our state of the art Mobile Screening Unit on site for tours to see what vision and hearing screenings are available for FREE for YOUR community!

Brian Hoover, MSU Coordinator will be on hand to schedule a visit to YOUR club!

Saturday evening Banquet with an address from Al Brandel, International Past President.

We’ll finish up Sunday morning as we remember those we’ve lost with our Service of Remembrance with District meetings to follow.

Please find attached our registration form and our ad form – thanks for supporting YOUR North Carolina Lions State Convention with your attendance and a club ad!

Can’t wait to see you in April – we’re here if you have any questions or need any other information!

Lion Barbara Thompson and PDG Terrie Grooms

2019 NC State Lions Convention Co-Chairs

Where there is a Need there is a Lion!

2018-2019 Club Officer Training Scheduled

For All 2018-2019 Club Officers, including experienced Officers

This training is especially important for:
Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, New Officers

Chance to meet and greet fellow Lions Across District 31-S


Training will be conducted on the following dates and locations:

Louisburg College Cafeteria
501 N. Main St.
Louisburg, NC 27549
May 12, 2018
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Weeksville Lions Club
Peartree Rd.
Elizabeth City NC 27909
May 19, 2018
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Williamston Lions Club
Williamston Scout Hut
106S. Smithwick St.
Williamston, NC 27892
May 26, 2018
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
First Flight Lions Club
2706 Croatan Highway
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
June 9, 2018
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP by email, letter, or telephone call at least 10 days prior to the session (indicate which session) so that I can prepare for the personnel.

Lion R.K. Carroll, District 31-S GLT
Email: Rcarroll26@hotmail.com

Leadership Development is a Club Excellence Award Requirement.

2017-2018 Awards & Installations

PDG Barbara gives award to DG Steve

PDG Barbara gives award to DG SteveThe second annual District 31S Awards & Installation banquet was held in Pilot, North Carolina on July 22nd, 2017.  Now Past District Governor Lion Barbara Beltran began the remarks with a summary of the events of the past year.  Two new clubs were chartered – the Ahoskie Centennial Lions Club and the Wake Southwest Centennial Lions Club.  Two grants for Pedia-Vision screeners were provided by LCI.  The State Convention was held in Raleigh for the second year in a row.  District 31S finished in 1st place for percentage of goal reached for Brighter Visions at 90.25% which was the highest of all districts in North Carolina.  But most importantly, she witnessed clubs helping other clubs and joining together for service events.  She thanked the Lions of District 31S and congratulated us on a great year.  Many awards were given out with some assistance from Past International President Sid Scruggs and current International Director Gwen White and there are pictures of all of them available in the photo album link below. 

PID Lacey Presnell installs new cabinetThen current District Governor Steve McLaurin introduced the special speaker invited to do the installation of the new cabinet for the 2017-2018 year.  Lion Steve joked about how he is a long time story teller, but he does not hold a candle next to the guest speaker Past International Director Lion Lacey Presnell.  And, of course, Lion Lacey did not disappoint.  He began his remarks with a funny story that made us all laugh.  Afterwards we got down to the business of installing the new cabinet. 

DG Steve first addressFinally, DG Steve made a short but effective speech about the upcoming year and his vision for District 31S.  He has two goals for every club.  1) To increase service by at least one project and 2) to increase membership by 10%.  We have a great district with many great leaders and he is confident that we can achieve these goals if we set our minds to it.  The 2017-2018 year should be another great year for District 31S.

Photo Album  

Welcome Wake Southwest Centennial Lions Club!

very closeup charter

PIP Sid and President Gwen with the charterIt’s official!  The Wake Southwest Centennial Lions Club has now been chartered.  The installations and celebration were held on Monday, July 10th, 2017 at the Hickory Tavern in Holly Springs, North Carolina.  Lions from the chartering club (Apex) who attended included: Lions Jolene & Dale Umbenhauer, John & Joe’l Lynde, Wayne Faber and Pat Nemmers.  

Past International President Sid Scruggs performed the installations.  Current International Director Gwen White and her spouse PDG Rhett was in attendance as were PID Lacy Presnell, PDGs Ron & Barbara Beltran, and current District Governor Steve McLaurin.  Also in attendance were Guiding Lions Ed Burt & Glenn Day and several other member from the Wake Forest and Cary clubs.

Photos from the event are provided in the album links below.  Album 1 is from Lion John Lynde and album 2 is from Lion Melissa Burgess.

Photo Album 1    Photo Album 2

2017-2018 Club Officer Training

For all 2017-2018 Club Officers, including experienced Officers

This training is especially important for:

Presidents graphic Secretaries graphic Treasurers graphic Membership Chairs graphic
Presidents Secretaries Treasurers Membership Chairs

A chance to meet and greet fellow Lions across District 31-S

Save one of the following dates on your calendar:

May 20
9:30 AM – NOON
June 3rd
9:30 AM – NOON
June 10th
9:30 AM – NOON
June 17th
9:30 AM – NOON
Tyrell County Public Library
414 Main St.
Columbia, NC 27925
Louisburg College
501 North Main St.
Louisburg NC
Student Activity Center
Ahoskie Fire Station
100 N McGlohon St.
Ahoskie, NC 27910
Holly Springs Town Hall
128 S. Main St.
Holly Springs, NC 27540
RSVP by May 13th RSVP by May 13th RSVP by June 1st RSVP by June 1st

**Bring laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc.


coffee, water, donuts, fruits, etc. will be provided

Please RSVP by the date listed above so we have plenty of handouts and food

Lion Glenn Day District 31-S GLT (indicate which session)

glennday@nc.rr.com  or (919-539-3706)

100% participation encouraged. You may also mail me at:

Glenn Day   160 Meadow Glen Dr., Wake Forest, NC  27587


Make new friends, but keep the old and learn all the latest at the same time!!!!




2017 State Convention

Here are some promotional materials for the State Convention coming up April 28-30 in Raleigh.  Download the Flyer and Hotel information here:


You can download a Registration form or an Advertisement form below.

Regional Lions Leadership Institution 2017

The Regional Lions Leadership Institute will be March 23-26, 2017 at Camp Dogwood. Topics will cover Teamwork, Goal Setting, Diversity, Public Speaking and other issues. The presenters will be Lions Joe Pitts, Ron Anderson and Jackie Cameron. The cost is $142.35 for three nights and eight meals.

For a link to the registration form, click here.